
A Full Life in a Time of Restrictions

Kyrgyz Mission invites members and guests to reflect on how to thrive amid chaos.

Yanina Asadulina, Kyrgyz Mission, Euro-Asian Division, and Adventist Review
A Full Life in a Time of Restrictions
Viktor Alexandrovich Kozakov preaches as part of the “A Full Life in Time of Restrictions” series in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, in October 2021. Kozakov’s messages used the Scriptures to shed light on how to face contemporary challenges. [Photo: Kyrgyz Mission, Euro-Asian Division News]

Everyone strives to live a happy and fulfilling life. But is it possible? Especially in this time, when countries are constantly struggling with internal and external crises and a global pandemic, what is the secret of such a life, and who has the power to bestow it?

During the October 16-23, 2021, meetings in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, under the theme “A Full Life in Time of Restrictions,” Viktor Alexandrovich Kozakov set out to answer these questions and revealed the subtleties of a full life, which, he said, the Scriptures can shed light on.

Several singers and musical groups helped create a worshipful environment during the “A Full Life in Time of Restrictions” meetings in Bishkek from October 16 to 23, 2021. [Photo: Kyrgyz Mission, Euro-Asian Division News]

Organizers invited local church members and guests to spend time in spiritual reflection, gather in groups and turn to the Lord to pray for their needs and the needs of people around them, and enjoy music singers and musical groups.

Each day, an average of 40 people attended and actively engaged in the interactive program. “Each guest had the opportunity to write their questions to the speaker and discuss his or her life difficulties,” organizers said. “Then the group as a whole prayed specifically for their needs.” Guests could also participate in a daily short quiz and win several prizes, including inspiring literature.

Members and guests with special requests enjoyed moments of prayer. Those attending the “A Full Life in Time of Restrictions” meetings prayed for their needs and for the members of their families and community. [Photo: Kyrgyz Mission, Euro-Asian Division News]

Organizers reported that at the end of each meeting, attendees were invited to gather in small groups to discuss various topics. It was a moment for sharing, when they were encouraged to comment on what they learned and prayed together as they enjoyed a cup of tea in a relaxed atmosphere.

Not only adults participated in the program: young children of attendees also enjoyed a program specifically catered to them. “From toddlers to teenagers, they had moments for drawing, reading, playing, and discussing topics that impact their relationship with God,” organizers said.

According to organizers of the special week of biblical reflection and revival in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, “thanksgiving responses, tears, and fervent prayers were testimony that the Holy Spirit was able to touch the hearts of everyone present.” [Photo: Kyrgyz Mission, Euro-Asian Division News]

Those guests who speak sign language also responded. They translated all the presentations for guests with special needs and produced an online broadcast for those who could not attend the meetings in person.

On Saturday (Sabbath), more than 100 people attended a special worship service. The service included Bible reading and hymns in Russian and Kyrgyz. At the end of the service, organizers said, many of those attending expressed a desire to pray for their relatives and friends who had not yet accepted Christ as their Savior. They added, “Thanksgiving responses, tears, and fervent prayers were testimony that the Holy Spirit was able to touch the hearts of everyone present and fill them with His power.”

The original version of this story was posted by the Euro-Asian Division.

Yanina Asadulina, Kyrgyz Mission, Euro-Asian Division, and Adventist Review
